
World Oceans Day 2015

Published on September 4, 2015 under Uncategorized
World Oceans Day 2015


IOC-UNESCO, Paris, 8 June 2015: Discussions focused on the state of the ocean and the need for strong ocean visibility and action at the 2015 Paris Climate Conference (COP21). On behalf of the Blue Forests Project, GRID-Arendal participated and discussed the value of coastal and oceanic blue carbon, including fish carbon, with many participants.


Hege Salvesen, of Blue Climate Solutions, asks the panelists a question at the World Oceans Day event held at the Royal Geographical Society, London. IIED and partners organized the event to discuss the future of oceans and coasts.

Hege Salvesen, of Blue Climate Solutions, asks the panelists a question at the World Oceans Day event held at the Royal Geographical Society, London. IIED and partners organized the event to discuss the future of oceans and coasts. Image credit: IIED

Royal Geographical Society, London, 8 June 2015: the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) and partners organised a panel discussion exploring the future of the oceans and coasts. The event highlighted how governments, communities and the private sector could respond to the challenges faced by the world’s oceans.

BCS engaged with panelists and participants to discuss the potential application of Fish Carbon valuation as a climate change mitigation tool, and to consider the role of Fish Carbon concepts in addressing many ocean challenges, including high seas legislation, sustainable management of living marine resources, and financing marine protected areas using payments for ecosystem services.


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